SPOILER ALERT: I LIVED (Happiness is a state of being, not a state of having)

Tomorrow my book. I’d Rather Kill Myself Than Be A Lawyer: How Anyone Can Find Happiness, will be released. Publishing it is the realization of one of the biggest goals of my life.  Thank you to everyone who reads it. To those who don’t, lose my number. 😊

For quite a while, I doubted it would happen.  As I write in the introduction, for years I struggled to complete the book.  I kept trying and trying and was never happy with the result.

The reason I struggled was that I was not yet feeling fully happy and I felt ill-equipped to write the book. I felt it was not truthful.  How could I write about something I had not truly experienced? 

I know what you are all thinking:  What the f*&k is he talking about?

OK, although I do not want to give away the exciting ending to my book, here it is. The reason I was able to complete the book is that:

I lived.

Here’s the thing: There are two meanings to that statement.  The first, of course, is that I am blogging today so I am not dead.

The second is that I learned how to LIVE.  

You see, when I talk about happiness, I do not mean I am running around with a goofy smile on my face all the time saying life is good. I am not referring to being in a good mood as opposed to a bad mood. That is called being human and we all experience that.

I am talking about seeing that happiness is always present.  It is there when things go well and when everything goes poorly.  It always exists and whether we see it is simply about how we interpret our lives up to that moment.

To me, happiness is what happens in-between the lines; a state of being, not a state of having.

Once I understood happiness, everything from there just flowed freely. That is how and why I was able to complete the book

And that my friends is what I’d Rather Kill Myself Than Be A Lawyer is about.

Thanks for tuning in. Love to you all.






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